Andre’s Eaglesoft
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Andre Explains How Payment Groups for Bulk Payments in Eaglesoft
How Andre uses Bulk Insurnace Payment Groups in Eaglesoft
How Andre Sets Up Single and Group Providers in Eaglesoft
Getting Provider’s set up in Eaglesoft is key to where the info shows on the ADA Form Box 48 to Box 58
How Andre Exports a FMX as One Image or Import into a mount into Eaglesoft
Many offices chose to send Patient’s FMX to Insurance or another office as one “mounted” image instead of 18 individual images.
How Andre Searches for Patients with Multiple Appointments
Many Eaglesoft users ask: How can I find out if a Patient has Multiple Appointments already scheduled?
The simple answer is…
How Andre Sets Up Provider Hours in Eaglesoft
So often I get calls, texts and emails asking why the schedule in Eaglesoft doesn’t reflect the time the office wants to be opened and/or closed. Typically, I find the “reason” being the office has not set up Provider Hours “properly”.
Andre’s Answer to the Question: Is Eaglesoft The Best Practice Management Software?
What is the Best Dental Practice Management Software? Adit, CareStack, Curve, Dentalink, Denticon, DentiMax, Dentrix, Eaglesoft, iDentalSoft, Open Dental, Oryx, PracticeWork, Other?
How Andre Takes from One Claims for Another (“Recoup”) in Eaglesoft
There are times when an Insurance Carrier will recoup a previous Claim Adjudication payment from a totally different patients’ payment. On the EOB it shows that they are paying for a service but then show a $0 payment because they are taking away money from a previous EOB. Typically, you’ll see a message like: “a reduction has taken place due to an overpayment on a prior claim”.
Andre Talks about the Eaglesoft Assistant Training Environment
Andre Talks about the Eaglesoft Assistant Training Environment
How Andre Verifies that Progress Notes Were Completed Each Day in Eaglesoft
How Andre Verifies that Progress Notes Were Completed Each Day in Eaglesoft
Andre Explains the Two Options that Update the Last BWs, FMX and Pan in Eaglesoft
Andre Explains the Two Options that Update the Last BWs, FMX and Pan in Eaglesoft
How Andre Gets the Service Code and ADA Codes List Lean, Mean and Updated in Eaglesoft
How Andre Gets the Service Code and ADA Codes List Lean, Mean and Updated in Eaglesoft
How Andre Charts when a Primary and Permanent Tooth are both Present in Eaglesoft
How Andre Charts when a Primary and Permanent Tooth are both Present in Eaglesoft
How Andre Charts Scaling and Root Planning in Eaglesoft
How Andre Charts Scaling and Root Planning in Eaglesoft
How Andre uses the Windows Function Keys in Eaglesoft!
How Andre uses the Windows Function Keys in Eaglesoft!
How Andre Deletes the QuickFill List in Eaglesoft
How Andre Deletes the QuickFill List in Eaglesoft
How Andre Tracks Referrals Treatment in Eaglesoft
Andre explains how he tracks referred Services in Eaglesoft
How Andre Verifies that Employers are Updated in Eaglesoft
Andre explains how to add a Insurance Verification AutoNote to Eaglesoft
Andre Highlight Key Updates in Each Version of Eaglesoft
Andre's Guide to Key Updates in Each Version of Eaglesoft
Why Andre Won’t Use a Separate Orthodontic Account in Eaglesoft.
Why Andre Won’t Use a Separate Orthodontic Account in Eaglesoft.
Andre’s Official Intraoral Camera Buying Gude for Eaglesoft Users.
This will be my ongoing “Best Intraoral I/O Cameras for Eaglesoft” page. I’ll add to it as I get suggestions from User.