How Andre Connects Teeth to Images in Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging

Images should be connected to tooth numbers. Out of the box, the Image Templates (“mounts”) for Bitewings, and the FMX are “pre-connected” to the expected teeth.  As new Templates  are created or existing Templates are modified, this pre-set is not always correct. How can we fix that or make “better” connections.

I always start by cleaning up exiting Image Templates to get rid of Templates that are not being used by the office.  Then Editing the descriptions to make them easier to find and use.

From the Clinical Screen:

Go to List>Image Template.  From this list you can select and delete those Templates you do not use or will not use.  If a Template has been used at ANY point, you can not delete it.  Edit those that you cannot delete but don’t want to show in the list of available Templates. While the Edit window is open, uncheck the Add to New Exam Bar box.

Next, from the “clean” list of Image Templates, edit the remainer to have a better alphabetical list.  My preference is to rename Templates in this format:

Bitewings 2

Bitewings 4

Bitewings 7-8 Vertical

FMX Posterior PA 1st

FMX Anterior PA 1st

FMX Bitewing Rt 1st

PAs Lower Anterior

PAs Lower Left

PAs Lower Right

PAs Upper Anterior

PAs Upper Left

PAs Upper Right

Templates should NEVR include an employee’s name (i.e . Susan’s FMX).  If you have a Mix of Sensor brands and phosphor plates, you will need unique templates for each.

Now the task of assigning Tooth Numbers.  As you edit the Bitewing Templates you can Click the Image Info button and then highlight all the teeth that are typically associated with that first bitewing.  Click OK and select the 2nd bitewing and repeat the process.  You may find that the teeth have already been selected.  When you get to the Panoramic, I suggest that you ONLY preset the third molars.  If you take a Pan and want to later connect that pan to other teeth you can but the default will be just thirds.

You can also add Descriptions like “Right Bitewing” to each of the image blocks.

Periapical Images (With the exception of the FMX) should NOT be preset but “must” be connected as they are taken.

Once a Tooth number is connected to an image, a small letter I will appear below and to the left of the tooth number in the Chart (see Pic). Clicking on that tooth in the chart will show all the images that number is connected to.

I have also created Temples to store documents discussed here:

When updating the Patient Photo Template, make sure that the Document Group is set to Patient Photo.

I have always unchecked the Update Last Bitewings, Full Mouth and Panoramic boxes.  I use the Service Code posted to update my last Bitewings, Full Mouth and Panoramic.  More info on that is here:


This is a resource guide and all decisions on each dental office setup should remain the sole decision of the dentist/owner of the practice. Eaglesoft is a registered trademark of Patterson Dental Company.  All other software or products mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Although Andre Shirdan was an employee of Patterson Dental, he is not associated with Eaglesoft or Patterson Dental Company or endorsed by Patterson or any other Company Mentioned in this blog

Andre Shirdan

Andre is a compelling speaker and storyteller and delivers high-energy presentations on creating the perfect practice with humor and a genuine, down-to-earth style. He lives his message and reveals simple, effective strategies that anyone can use to get on track, build resiliency, reduce stress, and cultivate a strong dental business.

How Andre gets a Simple Count of Patients by Insurance Company from Eaglesoft


How Andre Sets Up and Views Provider Goals in Eaglesoft