How Andre Sets Up and Views Provider Goals in Eaglesoft

For years, I have worked closely with practices on Personal and Professional goals. Production Goals are a big part of that. Eaglesoft’s “Goals” are a little tricky. Where my client’s goals change each month based on known expectations from previous years. January for an office in Waterboro, ME is quite different than January in Brandon, FL.

The goal in Eaglesoft is “flat” (based on a daily rate, times the number of days worked that month). So, I think of the Eaglesoft Goal like I would a speed limit sign. Rules to safely set the flow of traffic (Patients) and set a pace for the day and month. But I know there will be obstacles that might slow traffic, there will be speeders, there will be days of rain to impede keeping up that speed. I do typically Practice Goal Setting outside of Eaglesoft that I then add a static goal to the screen.

Each Provider gets a set daily goal. That goal is applied to every open day that provider is connected to a “Chair” (or column in the schedule). The combined goal of all Providers working on a particular day, is then combined and visible at the top of the OnSchedule screen (see picture).

If the Practice Scheduled amount and Goal is not showing, right click on blank space on the schedule, select Schedule Settings then Setup. On the upper left, check the box for Show Goals.

Here is a “down and dirty” way to set Provider Goals:

Take your production goal for this year (example: $1,200,000)

Divide it by the expected days worked this year (Example: 200 days)

Daily goal is $6,000 ($1,200,000 divided by 200)

Doctor should be doing 70% (Typical GP NOT placing Implants. Use 80% if the GP is placing Implants) $4,200

Hygiene should be doing 30% $1,800 or $900 per hygienist.

This is a real general way to do it. It takes some time to finesse these goals for your office, but you can tweak this general format based on your service mix. Run the provider productivity report for last year to get your percentage of restore vs hygiene to make your daily goal split.

To enter a goal for a Provider, go to List > Providers/Staff and Edit a Provider from the list.

Click Hours

On the left of the open window click on one of the Chair/Locations listed (NOT the Default Provider Hours). On the right side of the open window click in the Goals column and enter a goal for THAT Provider for EACH day. I recommend that you only put the goal on one of the chairs that the Provider might work out of for that day.

Important the Provider Hours are set up properly. Take a look at this video:

Now from the OnSchedule window you can click the Month-At-A-Glance view (The big “M”) of the OnSchedule toolbar and see daily Goals (see picture). 

This view will give you a total scheduled amount of production (gross) on the bottom left.  The monthly goal will show just below as well as a percentage to goal. 

If you double click on a day, you will get a detail of THAT day (see picture) showing a breakdown of the day by provider.

Goals are set by Provider for the Chairs they work out of. So.... If I set up Dr Beere (who works out of Chair 1) a Goal for the day, (in essence) is making a goal for Dr Beere for the Chair for the day. Each provider would have a goal for each day for if three providers worked the cumulative would be the daily goal for that the chairs they each work out of.

The goal is based on the Fees attached to the Appointments. If you have Fee Schedules and/or Coverage Books attached to the Patient's Employers, the Production amounts WILL be adjusted to net amounts. If there are no services attached to the Appointments the production will be based on "expected" production based on the Appointment types

ALL Appointment Types SHOULD include a General Value. That way even if the Appointment doesn't have Services attached they still have a "value" that applies to the daily goals (note: this value will be replaced when actual services are added).

To pull a report that shows scheduled production vs goal for the next month.. IE: JULY on schedule production vs goals for one provider there are two reports:

- Scheduled vs Goal by Provider

- Scheduled vs Goal

You can pick the date range you want.

To get a "Projected" Productions vs Goal you can only get on the Month-at-a-Glance (MAAG) view of the schedule.  The numbers at the top of the schedule are Goals and Scheduled Production. If you add a PA during the day, the numbers won't match. If you do a DO and not an O or #18 as scheduled, the numbers will change. IF you use Fee Schedules and/or Coverage Books and a patient's insurance changes, the numbers will change. So many variables. I track Schedule Production to Actual Production, In one of the practices I work with there is ALWAYS a 25% variable. I know if they schedule (Example) $75k they will do $100k. Almost to the penny. It's a way we've use to predict Production outcomes.  If I was scheduled for a RCT and had an extraction you shouldn't change what I was scheduled for. You just post what I had done. I WAS scheduled for $1,000 and got $100 done. The Scheduled should reflect $1,000 and the actual should reflect $100 otherwise what are you tracking?

Caution when using Blocks on the Schedule. 

An Eaglesoft Field Guide members asked recently: “Is putting blocks the same thing as closing the chair?”

I responded: A glass full of "air" is a "full" glass but it's not the same as a full glass of milk. The Block fills the schedule with air and still in reports and in the Schedule goes unused. Closing the day fills the glass (to continue the analogy) with cement and is not unusable and take it out of the statistics for the practice.


This is a resource guide and all decisions on each dental office setup should remain the sole decision of the dentist/owner of the practice. Eaglesoft is a registered trademark of Patterson Dental Company.  All other software or products mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Although Andre Shirdan was an employee of Patterson Dental, he is not associated with Eaglesoft or Patterson Dental Company or endorsed by Patterson or any other Company Mentioned in this blog

Andre Shirdan

Andre is a compelling speaker and storyteller and delivers high-energy presentations on creating the perfect practice with humor and a genuine, down-to-earth style. He lives his message and reveals simple, effective strategies that anyone can use to get on track, build resiliency, reduce stress, and cultivate a strong dental business.

How Andre Connects Teeth to Images in Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging


How Andre Finds a Check Number in Eaglesoft