Andre’s Eaglesoft End of Year (EOY) Guide.
Typically, the Patterson Technology Center (PTC) gets a VERY high volume of calls for the End of Year (EOY). The process of doing the EOY is really the same as the End of Month (EOM) just with a higher stress level. I will update this page when I find new information. This was last updated: December 28, 2023.
Here are some Questions and Answers that should ease some of the stress:
Q: When “should” the EOY be run?
A: IMO, you should run the EOY at any point the Practice designates as the "last business day of your year".
Q: When do you recommend that I do the EOY backup? Before you run the EOY or After?
A: A suggest Both. Before in case you have some error, and you need to restore data and after to have a final back-up for the EOY.
Q: Should we reset Insurance Balances when running the EOY?
A: Yes.
Q: When you run EOY and reset insurance balances do you set the months as 1 and 1?
A: Yes. 1 and 1
Q: Does resetting Insurance Balances reset the yearly maximums for ALL patients?
A: Yes. All patients with Insurance plans that run on a calendar year.
Q: What if you don’t want all that paper?
A: You can use Windows Print to PDF or a 3rd party “Print to PDF” option like the Free PDF Printer from to covert the paper to a PFD file and store the PDF on your secured Server. Remember, you can uncheck the reports and a with Versions after 20, a copy will be automatically saved in >List>Practice Information>SmartDoc.
Q: I hear that you can process EOM and EOY at the same time. Do you recommend doing them separately or together?
A: I like to process them separately (but you can do either).
Q: Do I need to change the Specified Date Range for Printing to 01/01/2018? It defaults to today’s date.
A: No. The only reason to check Use Specified Date Range for Printing if you want your EOY reports to show the transactions for the calendar dates.
Q: I ran the EOY by mistake. What should I do?
A: You can contact the Patterson Technology Center (“Support”) to help you restore your database to a time before you ran the EOY. Otherwise, consider your Year closed and all transactions after that EOY are “next year”.
Q: Should I inactivate old Providers and Staff before or after I run the EOY.
A: BEFORE!!! Inactivating them before will eliminate them from the login screen and “most” of the drop-down lists. Remember, they can be eliminated from the reports that fall within a time frame that they would exist. If you ran a Provider Productivity report from 3 years ago, before the were inactivated, they would be available to select form that drop-down list. More information on inactivating Providers is here:
Q: We will be closed from December 20th to after the first of January. Can I wait to do my EOY after we return?
A: Yes. As long as you do your EOY before you do January’s EOM.
Q. I’m processing the EOM for December, is the insurance reset 12 to 12?
A. No. When processing December EOM you set Insurance Reset to 1 and 1. The same goes for the EOY Processing.
Q. We forgot to set the EOY Insurance rest to 1 and 1. What can we do to fix that?
A. Simple fix. Utilities>Reset Insurance Balances can be done at any time. There is a blog post on this topic here:
Q: What is the advantage to cleaning up expired custom hours before running EOY?
A: #1 reason (IMO) is that people are using Custom Hours incorrectly and this is the best way to get incorrect information out of the software. Custom hours also require lots of calculations on schedule to display. It can speed up performance.
Q. Where is the checklist for EOY and steps on how to run everything from Patterson?
Q. If we are closed today. No patients. No Services. No collections. Do I need to run an EOD before I run EOM and EOY?
A. No. Your EOD was last done "yesterday". Proceed to the EOM/EOY. Processing,
Q. When updating my fees, how do I get Treatment Plans and/or Scheduled treatment to update?
A. Do NOT “edit Service Codes” to change Fees. I see offices all the time increasing fees by Editing Service Codes which then has NO effect on Treatment plans and/or Scheduled Services. Fee Increases should be made in the Change Fee Utility. Part of this utility is increasing Treatment Plans and/or Scheduled Services
Q. I already edited my Service Codes to increase my fees. Now what?
A. Use the Change Fee Utility. Increase your fees by 0% BUT use the Update Treatment Plans and/or Scheduled Services and your Treatment Plans and/or Scheduled Services will update 0% to your new fees.
Q. We have a Provider who will not be with us next year BUT we are still paying them on Collections. Can we inactivate them?
A. No, I would not. I would keep that doctor active, but I would do a Utilities>Mass Update>Mass Patient Transfer, transfers of Appointments and Utilities>Mass Update>Mass Appointment Transfer, Preferred Dentist Status.
Q. We have Provider who left this year. Do I go ahead and inactivate, or will it not let me if they have claims open on their services?
A. You would have to close the claims. But remember, the claims have been sent. If you want to print copies to keep until they are finished, you certainly can.
Q. Where are my EOY reports stored in SmartDoc?
A. List>Practice Information>SmartDoc.
Q. My EFT posting is way behind. Do I have to have all my EFTs posted to close out my Year?
A. They really should all be posted to get a clean EOY. But you can use the date you received when posting them in the new year if you want to retain the original received date.
Q. What do I have to do about EOY Backups?
A. IMPORTANT: You should do a “special” EOY Backup after processing your EOY THEN store THAT backup separate from your normal daily backup. Contact the Patterson Technology Center (“Support”) for more information on this topic.
Q. I processed my EOY then another person in the office came in and Processed it AGAIN! What should I do?
A. Contact the Patterson Technology Center (“Support”) ASAP. You have two EOYs. You can add the two together in the future if you want to get a total for that “year”.
Q. My EOY was NOT done LAST year!!! Can I run last year than do this year?
A. No. There is no other way around this. Once January’s EOM was done, that year was folded into this year. There is no going back. It's like missing the trash pickup. You have to wait until the next time. For the time being, your only option is to use the Range of DATES options to get reports on the Year you missed OR run a Mid-Year EOY (NOT SUGGESTED).
Q. In the EOY Processing, one choice is to Delete Past Appointment. Should I do that.
A. Plain and simple. No.
Q: How long does it take to run the EOY?
A: The simple answer is I don’t know. What I’ll say is that in 2020 I ran a poll asking: “How long did it take for you to run your EOY?” and 79% said “A few minutes; 12% said less than an hour; 6% said a couple of hours; 1% said 30 minutes; 1% said seconds.
Q: We already closed out the year and the doctor saw an emergency patient while we were close. Does this just go in “next year’s” reports?
A: Yes. The EOY “locks” the year so all new transactions are in the “new year”.
Q: What are the reports I should be running at the EOY (other than the reports that automatically run).
A: I like the following at the End of Year:
1) Standard Fees and or Service Code Master report - In case you plan a Standard Fee increase, and you want to look back on your historic fees.
2) Service Type Productivity Report - If you have "Products" as a Service Type. This allows you to track how much you've done on Products and get a report for reporting for Sales Taxes.
3) Service Code Productivity Report - this shows gross production you billed out by code for the year.
4) Insurance Company Productivity Report - this shows gross production you billed out broken down by insurance company for the year.
5) Patient Analysis Report
6) Day Sheet for the year using Range of End-Of-Days 1/1/20XX-12/31/20XX
7) Managed Care Utilization Report
8) Coverage Production - Total of claims/amounts submitted and claims/amounts received grouped by Employer.
Q: Is there a way to get specific reports to print automatically at the EOY?
A: There is no way to add a report to the "list" for of EOY reports. They are 'pre-set".
Q: How do I know if the EOY ran successfully?
A: From the main Practice Management screen, on the tool bark look for Utilities>System Activity Log>Click the drop-down box and pick End of year.
Q: Has anyone tried to run the EOY remotely? We will be out of the office and wondering if there is any negative impact.
A: No “negative impact”. Many users remote into Eaglesoft to do EOD, EOM processing. Remember you could just wait until you return and run the EOY. Just do it before you run the EOM in January.
Q: When processing EOY do I need to do EOD then EOM and then EOY?
A: Yes you should do the EOD, EOM and EOY.
Q: I'm trying to process EOM and then EOY, but I'm getting this message "An End of Day must be processed prior to processing this end of month". My EOD has been processed. What am I doing wrong?
A: When you get that message, typically it means that the EOY was already processed. From the main Practice Management screen, on the tool bark look for Utilities>System Activity Log>Click the drop-down box and pick End of year to see if the EOY was already completed.
Q: I see that at the bottom of the End-Of-Month/End-Of-Year screen there is an EOM Clean Up option. Should I check these?
A: No. I wouldn't
Q: Our accountant is wanting an EOY report in an excel format. Is there any way to export the reports already ran?
A: No. You would have to run the report (depending on the report) again for the period you want. When you get to the Print Preview you can save in an excel format (see this video:
Q: Our EOY is “stuck” on the Referral Productivity Yearly Summary.
A: The EOY will eventually move. It’s not “frozen” it just takes a long time to get through the Referral Productivity Yearly Summary. The best practice is to uncheck it before processing the EOY. If you continue to be “frozen”, contact the Patterson Technology Center (“Support”) for help. In the past, a restart of the server could solve this issue.
Q: Is there a report to print of EOY Service Type Productivity with Adjustments included?
A: There is no version of the Service Type Productivity report that includes Adjustments.
Q: Our Practice owner prefers to run the EOY in March. Is this “normal”?
A: The owner may be using a Fiscal Year and not a Calendar Year for the business. A lot of companies do that.
Q: Does everyone need to be logged out of Eaglesoft to run the EOY?
A: You don’t “need” exclusive rights, but I would suggest that it is good practice to have exclusive rights to do EOY.
Q: What are some of the other EOY tasks I should do:
A: Here is a list of tasks I recommend taking on for the EOY:
1) Delete Pre-Authorizations older than 24 months.
2) Update Claim Payer IDs.
3) Remove patients from Quick Fill who have been on for more than 6 months.
This is a resource guide and all decisions on each dental office setup should remain the sole decision of the dentist/owner of the practice. Eaglesoft is a registered trademark of Patterson Dental Company. All other software or products mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Although Andre Shirdan was an employee of Patterson Dental, he is not associated with Eaglesoft or Patterson Dental Company or endorsed by Patterson or any other Company Mentioned in this blog