Virtual Skill Development ONLINE TRAINING

If you are looking for zoom based practice management training for Eaglesoft, this is how to book those dates. In a nutshell a virtual skill development is a 1-hour Zoom session, me working with you, and your crew, to get the most out of Eaglesoft.  No, it’s not the same as an on-site visit, but it’s a great option (especially in the winter when I don’t travel).

  • Virtual Skill Development is booked in 1-hour sessions for $249 per hour.

  • Virtual Skill Development is available Monday to Friday 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Eastern Time

  • When you click the link below you will open the scheduling app, where you cancan select the time and date you want.

  • Use this LINK to sign up and install the Zoom Client Software. You will need a computer, iPad or Phone with a Camera and speakers attached. If you don’t have a computer, iPad or Phone to use, you can use your computer to connect and see my screen and a landline phone to talk with me. But methods will be included in the Zoom Invitation.


Book a Complementary Teleconference with Andre


Book an In-Office Skill Development ('Training") Day