How Andre Uses Imaging and NOT SmartDoc for Storing Images in Eaglesoft!

Why do I recommend that Clinical Documents be placed in Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging and NOT into SmartDoc.

I see the Clinical Screen the way I see the view over the dashboard of a Formula One race car. The information the driver (doctor) sees should be information that is important for the time it takes to glance up, review and decide which way to turn. Imagine that the driver must click a button; visually search for a information among other information that doesn’t relate to driving; click the information he wants; review it, close it, and then get back to the race.

I think that the view the driver sees should stay clear. With a click of a finger and a slight glance to the left, see RPM, oil pressure, tire pressure etc. (that the patient was seen by a specialist, that a predetermination was received, that there is a good diagnostic image and that a consent was received).

In SmartDoc "documents don't make anyone smart" they are just "in a drawer". In Imaging they are connected to a tooth number(s) which connects them to the chart. NOW they are "Smart Doc...uments"

Question: I’ve been putting things in SmartDoc for YEARS! Can I transfer them into Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging? No. there is no "easy" way. What I suggest it that you start the process on a Jan 1. That way you know that any document the comes in after 1/1/2018 is in imaging. It will take a bit to get use to but after, the world is much easier.

Question: Can PDFs be attached to advanced imaging?
No. Sorry. Only “image” files can be attached

Question: How can I view the “image” full side from the “thumbnail” on the side of the chart?
You have to right click and "view full size" in versions 19+. In versions prior to 19, you could double click to expand the image.

Question: My referring Endodontist send me a PDF referral form. How can I get that into Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging?

You can use the Windows Snipping tool (built into all Window versions). Take a snip of the letter or images received from the specialist, Save it to your desktop, then import it into Advanced Imaging.

Question: I don’t have Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging! We use Dexis. How can I get Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging?

Call the Patterson Technology Center (“Support”) (800) 475-5036 and purchase it. Tell them “Andre said I should have it” ;)

Question: Is this how you suggest storing EOBs?
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! EOBs should be stored in a folder on the server OUTSIDE Eaglesoft IMNTBHO.

I use a simple Org Chart to decide if something goes in SmartDoc or Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging

Examples of Clinical documents:

List of current medications, letters from specialist, Surgical/Endo referral forms, labels from Implant bottles.

IMPORTANT: You MUST have Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging to use this method. If you are capturing digital images in any other software this method will not work

  1. Open Eaglesoft Advanced Imaging

  2. Choose the existing Panoramic Template (or I suggest that you create new templates for scanning).

  3. Right click on the grey Panoramic “mount”

  4. Click Acquire from Scanner (Scan window will open)

  5. Click Get Preview > Scan > Get Image

  6. 6) Choose tooth/teeth that are represented by this document from the bottom right of the window or for “general” health information, attach to tooth number 1.

  7. 7) Click Save



This is a resource guide and all decisions on each dental office setup should remain the sole decision of the dentist/owner of the practice. Eaglesoft is a registered trademark of Patterson Dental Company.  All other software or products mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Although Andre Shirdan was an employee of Patterson Dental, he is not associated with Eaglesoft or Patterson Dental Company or endorsed by Patterson or any other Company Mentioned in this blog

Andre Shirdan

Andre is a compelling speaker and storyteller and delivers high-energy presentations on creating the perfect practice with humor and a genuine, down-to-earth style. He lives his message and reveals simple, effective strategies that anyone can use to get on track, build resiliency, reduce stress, and cultivate a strong dental business.

Andre's Supernumerary Tooth Charting and Billing in Eaglesoft


Andre's Service Types and How to Modify Yours for Better Estimates In Eaglesoft