How Andre Inactivates a Patient In Eaglesoft

How Andre Inactivates a Patient In Eaglesoft

So, I was excited to talk to a new client recently and they gave me the number of “Active” and “Inactive” patients in Eaglesoft using the Practice Analysis Report. Well 52% of the “Active” were male and 48% were female. BIG RED FLAG! We know guys don’t typically go to the dentist. So, I asked that he run the Patients Without Visits Report. Bingo! Lots of Policy holders who had never come to the practice.

Task 1 – Un-mark those People who are Policy Holders that are marked as Patients.

Also from that Patients Without Visits Report we found hundreds of patients who had called, made appointments and never shown.

Task 2 – Inactivate those folks.

There were many ways to find patients but I figured it’s best to review HOW to “properly” inactivate them instead of who to inactivate. YOU can decide who you want to inactivate.

In “Andre World” when we inactivate a patient we suggest our client go through a simple test:

Option 1: Are they Dead?

Yes > In the Edit Patient Screen > Remove the Address, Phone Number and Email Address > Un-check that they are Policy Holder (Now you will be able to delete an Employer that was attached to dead people!)

Why do I remove the address, phone and email? So they can’t be contacted (yeah, I know you can’t “reach” them. But a reactivation campaign created in RevenueWell will surely try!).

Click the Preferences button on the right side > uncheck Receives Recall > uncheck Active

Separate from the “Family” from the deceased (using Responsible Party)


IF the deceased has “Survivor’s Benefits” they have to remain as Policy Holder. I would still remove any contact info. Remove from Recall, Inactivate them and Separate from the “Family”.

Option 2: Are they just moving out of state or going to another office?

Yes > In the Edit Patient Screen Un-check that they are Policy Holder

Why? So that you can delete the Employer plan (like the dead guy above).

Click the Preferences button on the right side > uncheck Receives Recall > uncheck Active

In Chart ID write DECEASED

Last but not least, make sure there are no scheduled appointments for the deceased and that there are no appointment in the Appointment Queue or QuickFill.

Now you can run the Practice Analysis Report again and see who’s “Active”. Why is Active in quotes? Because if the patient is NOT in your schedule, they are not “active”. Who cares if they were in your office within the last 18 months (standard consultant measure of “Active”) or were in the office yesterday. They could be dead… and that’s not “active” LOL.IF you have posted a Broken Appointment for those patients. You will NOT be able to delete them. You CAN Inactivate them. Once you post anything or even delete an appointment Eaglesoft see they have a "transaction history" and they cannot be deleted. IMNTBHO (In My Never To Be Humble Opinion) a Patient is "Inactive" when they leave your office without an appointment. Period. Now, how you respond to that inactivity is a different story. Do you actively pursue them through a 3rd party software live RevenueWell or use Eaglesoft to contact them is interesting. If using a 3rd party, they are already setup to "attack" the process. Just set the parameters you want at "click go". I would add a "flag" in the Patient ID field so you know why they are inactive i.e. Collections, Inactivity, Deceased).Unlike email subscriptions, practices don't typically get "opt in" "opt out" notifications from Patients regarding their "active" status. Each office has to judge THEIR criteria for "what is an active Patient?" I've evaluated offices in the past that were for sale and had the owner say that patients who were in the office 18 months prior were "active", Several of those patient when contacted were dead, moved or had chosen other providers.

My definition of "Active" is: They have an appointment. Other than that, they are not "Actively participating in dental care" They come back into the system in the same way a new patient comes in: through marketing (yes, reactivation IS marketing. Even if that patient drives by the office and thinks, "Boy, I need to make an appointment!". You sign - or building- was a marketing piece) So.... Each Practice decides what "active" is BUT don't expect that someone looking at your "active" numbers will agree with it .


This is a resource guide and all decisions on each dental office setup should remain the sole decision of the dentist/owner of the practice. Eaglesoft is a registered trademark of Patterson Dental Company.  All other software or products mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Although Andre Shirdan was an employee of Patterson Dental, he is not associated with Eaglesoft or Patterson Dental Company or endorsed by Patterson or any other Company Mentioned in this blog.

Andre Shirdan

Andre is a compelling speaker and storyteller and delivers high-energy presentations on creating the perfect practice with humor and a genuine, down-to-earth style. He lives his message and reveals simple, effective strategies that anyone can use to get on track, build resiliency, reduce stress, and cultivate a strong dental business.



Podcast Episode 55 Talking Progress Notes and Coding with Andre Shirdan